Well Spine Family Chiropractic

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How the Webster Technique Helps with Baby Positioning

We often have mamas come to our office in hopes of getting their baby to ‘FLIP’ head down. Whether the baby has been breech all pregnancy, just turned recently, or hasn’t moved into an ideal position for birth (ie. posterior), the Webster Technique, in conjunction with a few other tricks, can often help with this. Read on for all the specifics.

What is the Webster Technique?

The Webster Technique is a Chiropractic technique that evaluates and adjusts the pelvic bones and surrounding soft tissues. This evaluation finds any asymmetries in the bony pelvis (SI joint, pubic symphysis, rami, etc.) and supportive soft tissues (broad and round ligaments, psoas, etc.) to adjust, align, and maintain symmetry to optimize the comfort and position of a baby in-utero in the pregnant patient.

In short, the whole goal of the Webster Technique is to align the pelvis and help the structures that hold the uterus to help it relax! When the uterine, broad, and round ligaments are relaxed, they will give more space to the uterus, giving your baby more space to get in the best possible position for birth!

How does it work?

The first part of Webster is mostly analysis; an evaluation of your SI joints, sacrum, and pelvis by palpation for torsion, rotation, and forward/backward motion. Then, we do a simple heel-to-butt stretch/test to evaluate the pelvic tilt and leg tension. With this information, we’ll have established the side of torsion in your pelvis and use an adjustment (often a drop technique) to adjust and fix this imbalance. The drop adjustment is usually performed a handful of times. This adjustment is very gentle and does not make the typical “popping” sound that many associate with a chiropractic adjustment.

The second part of the Webster Technique is performed on the front side of the body near the belly. We assess torsion and tension patterns through the broad and round ligament areas, and the psoas muscle, and check for alignment of the pubic bone. This is usually performed on the opposite side to the side of sacral tension/rotation.

Benefits of the Webster Technique:

  • Encourages optimal fetal positioning: The Webster Technique helps promote the proper alignment of the pelvis, encouraging the baby's optimal positioning for birth.

  • Reduces the likelihood of breech presentation: By addressing pelvic misalignments and tension in the ligaments, the Webster Technique helps reduce the incidence of breech presentations.

  • Enhances pelvic balance and function: Through gentle adjustments and soft tissue work, the Webster Technique aims to restore balance and mobility to the pelvis, improving overall pelvic function.

  • Alleviates maternal discomfort: By relieving pelvic tension, the Webster Technique helps common pregnancy-related discomforts such as back pain, pelvic pain, and sciatica.

  • Facilitates smoother labor and delivery: A properly aligned pelvis and optimal fetal positioning can contribute to a more efficient labor process, potentially reducing the duration of labor and decreasing the likelihood of complications during delivery.

  • Supports fewer birth interventions: The Webster Technique is a non-invasive, gentle approach that aligns with many mothers' preferences for avoiding medical interventions whenever possible.

Who can benefit from the Webster Technique?

Any pregnant mama really! Most expectant people seek out the Webster Technique for a malpositioned baby. But, we incorporate the Webster protocol into all of our prenatal patient visits. 

Webster Technique is safe at all stages of pregnancy. It is ideally used between and no later than 34-37 weeks pregnant if the baby is breech or transverse. The research behind Webster Technique indicates a higher success rate when multiple visits (3-6)  are performed between weeks 34 and 37.

It is important to see a Webster Certified Chiropractor. Certified doctors have taken the course, tested, and are required to stay up-to-date on the Webster Training through the ICPA. Our Chiropractors at Well Spine Family Chiropractic are all Webster Certified and have additional training in pregnancy and postpartum care. If you don't live close to our office in Boulder, CO, you can find a certified doctor in your area (by zip code) here.

Spinning Babies

Have you also heard a bit about Spinning Babies!? Maybe your provider suggested you do these exercises at home? Spinning Babies is a technique and course that many Webster-trained Chiropractors are also versed in (we are!). Spinning Babies at-home techniques aim to also aid in pelvic alignment through gentle exercises and stretches. You can visit their website here to read more.

Their inversion technique is the most common technique used for those trying to encourage their baby to go head-down (from a breech position). We often recommend the 3 Sisters Balancing Exercises to our expectant parents. These 3 exercises are safe after 20 weeks and encourage pelvic alignment to help a baby get into an optimal position for birth.

Questions!? Comments!? As always, feel free to message us at info@wellspinefamilychiropractic.com or over on the ‘gram @wellspinechiro.

XO, the Well Spine Team

Schedule an Appointment

Are you expecting? Well Spine Family Chiropractic would love to help you have a more comfortable pregnancy, an easier birth, and a faster recovery. Schedule an appointment today online or by calling or texting our office at (720) 403-8255.